
Butch Hartmanのインタビュー

TUFF Puppy放映直前ということで、ToonzoneにButch Hartmanのインタビューが載ってました。 といっても、途中からThe Fairly OddParentsの実写版映画の話にすり変わってますけど。。

で、僕が注目したいのは以下の引用箇所。Toonzoneの記者もやっぱり気になってたのか、 ダニー・ファントムの終わり方の件についてつっこんでます。

TZN: Are you content with how Danny Phantom ended? Were there any loose ends that you would have liked to resolve, or stories that you would like to have told, that you simply weren't able to fit into the final season?

BUTCH HARTMAN: I'm very happy with the way Danny Phantom ended. I do feel as though we were able to tie up all the stories we had started given the length of time we were able to do the series. Would I love to see it come back? ABSOLUTELY!

いやいやいやいやいやいやいや…、tie upしてないですよ、Hartman先生。時間的な問題、っていうのがホントのところなんでしょうね。きっと。

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